Saturday, November 01, 2008


Sam's seizures have increased again and we are in need of prayers right now for some answers. His medication has been increased three times already this fall and he has not had a decrease in seizure activity yet. We do have oxygen at home now which is a comfort for us. Last Wednesday Sam had a CT and an EEG which resulted in a very long day in the hospital. He had difficulty waking from the sedation medication and also had 7 seizures, none of which were during the time he was hooked up to the EEG, of course! His EEG was abnormal as expected, and it showed that he was having a lot of seizure activity and probably more seizures than we are recognizing. The doctors are kind of puzzled right now as to where they should go next. Please pray for Sam's team of doctors, a decrease in seizures for Sammy and patience and strength for Jeff and myself. God Bless you all and thanks for your continued prayers and support!


Anonymous said...

HI Erin and Jeff- I'm Tyler Stough's sister and I was wondering if any of your doctor's have thought about placing a vagal nerve stimulator into Sam? My daughter Ariel had one placed. They have it set where it goes off every so often and then you have a magnet that u can use when Sam's having one. I'ts also suppose to help stop the seizures. Just an idea since nothing else seems to be working. We went through all of the meds increasing, decreasing, adding new meds, so on and so on. They placed the vagal nerve stimulator and that seemed to work for awhile for her. If you have any question you can e-mail me at Michelle

StephnRian said...

you have our always. be strong, all of you.
rian and steph neeser

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update & I will certainly keep praying for some direction & for a decrease in seizures. Hang in there & know that lots of people love you, including me! Carrie C.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sam, Erin, and Jeff,
Indeed we will keep praying for you--- in all ways, for strength, patience, progress, peace, and joy. We love you best, we love you most, we love you high, we love you low, we love you deep, we love you wide, we love you, we love you, we love you this much.
Love, Cousins Maggie and Molly, Uncle Pat, and Aunt Lori

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin Jeff and Sam! Thanks for the update. As always you are in our thoughts and prayers. You are so strong. Hope answers for his siezures come soon. Love and miss you all!!! Auntie Carol

Anonymous said...

We are praying for Sam. I hope the doctors find the reason very soon!
Thoughts and prayers for all of YOU!
Jill Andersen

Anonymous said...

Sam, Erin and Jeff - consider it done and we will continue to pray for some kind of answer to these seizures. Keep smiling Sam and we loved the Halloween pictures!!!

Deseree and Michael Krumm

Anonymous said...

We love you guys and are praying for all of you and the medical team. You are all amazing.
Casey & Eve