Saturday, March 06, 2010

70+ Days in the hospital

Well, I finally got to a location that will allow me to access my blog! Our internet at CCHS is a bit limited! No Facebook or Blogs? How have we survived this past month?! The past few weeks have been pretty much the same with Sammy. He has struggled with his tummy and feeding since the surgery. On Monday we will be sedating him to put in a G/J tube. This will allow him to be fed directly into his intestines and will by-pass the stomach allowing us to figure out if the stomach is his main source of discomfort or if it is eye pain. Sam will not have to have surgery for this procedure, but it will have to be done in the Interventional Radiology department at Avera. He will have a different type of tube placed in the same location as his current tube. This will allow access to both the stomach and the intestines through one location on his tummy. Also, he will have a couple of CT scans to look at his sinuses and his eye. After the scans, he will be examined again by his eye doctor and we will find out if the pressure in the eye has gone back up. The downside of feeding Sammy directly into his intestines, is that he will have to be fed a minimum of about 18 hours per day. This is exactly what we did not want to have happen! We did not want him to have to be hooked up to a tube all day and night. However, if this is what he needs to feel better right now and allow his tummy a rest, we feel it will be the best choice for him. Hopefully, this is temporary and he will be able to eat orally and be tube fed into his stomach in the near future. He is wanting to eat by mouth and is eating pureed foods about once a day. We continue to keep him on pain medication so that he is comfortable and to give us all a much needed rest. We will be at Children's Care through March 18th and hopefully be ready to go home by the middle of the month. Thank you for your continued prayers and support for all of us!


Anonymous said...

We're praying for you. . . .. we love you! Love, Lori, Pat, Maggie, and Molly

Unknown said...

Poor Sam! Poor Erin and Jeff and family! My heart goes out to you! I am so sad to hear that these tough health issues remain so very difficult to resolve. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Joan Bacon at Augie