Sunday, January 03, 2010

More Sedation

Sam had about a week of relief after the ENT doctor cleaned everything out of his sinuses last Wednesday. Unfortunately, we started to notice sinus problems again on Friday. Today we sedated Sammy again for yet another sinus CT, NG tube placement for nutrition and a PICC line. The PICC line procedure which should have been relatively easy for the doctor, proved to be a big challenge! Sam ended up being sedated for about three hours this morning and had two different PICC line placements before getting the third one to flush correctly. Sam is not fond of the NG tube or the amount of tape on his face holding it in place! We continue to read story after story to do our best at keeping Sammy content, but the more "crap" attached to him the tougher it is! His constant cheering squad of family and friends are a huge blessing for Jeff and myself. Our next procedure will be the stomach surgery on Tuesday at noon. Hopefully, we will also be able to get his sinuses cleaned out for the third time in the last three months too!

1 comment:

bhingghurl said...

oh.. he's trying to survive..

i am a nursing student..

im praying for him to get a well

life by having that kind of


go! Godblessyou