Hi friends and family. We have had requests that we put info from Sammy's services online to read. Thanks so much for continuing to pray for Jeff, myself and our families as we move forward hour by hour, one day at a time with our special boy in heaven. Your prayers and support are a wonderful blessing to us!
Phil 4:13~I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Handsome in my Tuxedo!!!
As some of you may know, I have an important position in my friend Kelsey's wedding on July 19th!!! I am the ring bearer and get to wear a pin-stripe tuxedo! My grammy and mommy helped me try it on last night and I looked quite handsome!
What a handsome man you are Sam! It was good to see you and your Mommy and Grandma at the flower store. I am very excited to keep in touch with you and see how much you are growing up with your website.
Way cute!! : )
Cousin Katie
What a handsome little man!!
WOW!!! Is that my nephew??? He You look TERRIFIC, SAM!!! We love you!
Love, Lori, Pat, Maggie, and Molly!
Hey Erin! Just stopped by your blog and loved catching up on you all. Sam looks great in his tux :) Hope you are enjoying the start of summer.
What a handsome man you are Sam!
It was good to see you and your Mommy and Grandma at the flower store. I am very excited to keep in touch with you and see how much you are growing up with your website.
Lots of love,
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