Sunday, January 28, 2007

God doesn't give us more than we can handle?!?

Sam had a wonderful week last week! He went to school four days in a row and seemed to feel really well too. We continue to struggle with feeding! I received a phone call on Friday afternoon from Sam's GI doctor indicating that they would like to put in a feeding tube. Sam is having an endoscopy and a colonoscopy on Feb 9th and he would like to also put the g-tube in at that time. This is a huge decision for us since we have worked so hard to avoid this the last five years. We know that there are positives and negatives to both sides. Please pray that we make the right decision for Sam.

Sam has been a handful the last two months and we don't know if it is due to stomach upset, hunger, sinus problems or ? When he is irritable he is extremely strong! This picture is Jeff after he lost a battle with Sam. I believe this time it was a run in between Jeff's nose and Sam's foot! We definitely have to have our defenses up when he is frustrated! He does have his good days, but it can change from hour to hour. His smile still helps to make the challenging days easier!


Anonymous said...

Jeff never looked so good! Tell Sam we're proud of his karate skills. We'll be prying for all of you and the decisions you need to make.

Dan, Nancy, and Abigail

Anonymous said...

Prayers going up for you from NW Iowa! I was going to ask, Erin, if you could come with me to the Women of Faith Conference in Des Moines April 20-21. Think about it, and hang in there!
Love, Julie

Anonymous said...

I was made aware of this site from Curt there at the office. We have a special needs child that will be 5 on Valentine's. We know the medical choices we make for our children are tough to make. We have been through the gammot also. Anytime either of you need to talk-Curt will let you know how to contact me. The irritability might be from "Reflux" has he been tested?
Ann- Trane