We ventured out to the Air Show on Saturday afternoon and had a great time. Sam LOVED the sound of the Blue Angels zooming by. We were not sure how he would respond to the noise, but I guess the sound of planes wizzing by your head is pretty unique and can't be duplicated. Sam had his picture taken with a pilot who grew up in Sioux Falls and got to fly his own plane home for the show. Apparently, that doesn't happen very often. We also checked out a "handi" plane as we called it! This would be the first plane Sam has ever been in and probably the last if his daddy has anything to say about it! While we were looking at the plane, we had some people approach us to ask if Sam had Microcephaly. Turns out that he and his family had just returned home from Isreal, where they fitted two little boys with Microcephaly for wheelchairs. They went as a part of the Hope Haven group from Iowa. He also mentioned how happy those children were, despite their poor living conditions. It's interesting how life's events bring people together. Sam was a very good boy and can now add an air show to his list of life's experiences!
How Cool! What a great experience! Sam's smile is the best...love you all
What a grrreat day for you kids and what a great memory. I love the pics! Great smiles all the way around. Horray for the effort you made to get there --- and then to have such a great time. Perfect! I LOVE YOU.
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